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Digital Migration Support

Challenges and Solutions of Digital Migration Towards a Modern AIM System

The transition to a modern Aeronautical Information Management (AIM) system is a crucial challenge for many aviation organizations, such as Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), Civil Aviation Authorities, and airport operators. Many of these organizations still rely on paper-based systems or proprietary data model formats or in outdated versions of the Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM). Although the adoption of a modern AIM system promises to centralize and interoperate efficiently, enhancing reliability and ensuring interoperability among all stakeholders in aeronautical information management, it represents a major challenge that should not be underestimated and must therefore be carefully prepared in advance.

A common issue in this system migration context is the lack of foresight and provision for specific support related to digital migration. Tenders often focus primarily on the delivery of the final system, neglecting the importance of comprehensive support throughout the migration process and the initialization of new aeronautical information production chains. Subscribing to dedicated migration support, rather than just the final system, is essential to ensure a successful transition. By investing in comprehensive migration support, organizations can overcome:

  • the complexities of the transition, and

  • minimize disruptions, and

  • fully leverage the benefits of a modern AIM system, and

  • facilitate team adoption of new systems, tolls and processes.

Challenges and Needs of Aeronautical Information Operators

Aeronautical information operators face several key challenges when migrating to an AIM system. One of the major challenges is to make this transition smoothly and quickly so as not to disrupt ongoing operations. The speed of migration is crucial to minimize interruptions and maintain a high level of productivity. These organizations are therefore seeking support that would allow them to manage this critical phase with as little friction as possible.

Example of Success: Djibouti International Airport

A particularly instructive example is that of Djibouti International Airport. Before the migration, their Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) management system faced significant challenges, primarily due to a lack of standardization and suitable tools for managing aeronautical information. The processes relied mainly on manual methods, with non-standardized documents, which increased the risk of errors and limited operational efficiency.

CGX AERO was requested to provide support in this digital transition. In close collaboration with Djibouti Airport, we developed a methodology tailored to their specific needs, enabling the modernization and structuring of their processes. This approach led to the implementation of a modern, more efficient, and interoperable AIM system. This project highlights the importance of specialized support to facilitate digital transformation and improve the overall efficiency of an organization.

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Example of Aeronautical chart of Djibouti in paper format before digitization

Problems Encountered During the Transition Phase

Organizations must overcome several major challenges when transitioning to a modern AIM system. One of the most common obstacles is data interoperability. Information is often dispersed across various systems and formats, making it difficult to integrate into a new AIM solution. This diversity of formats, sometimes incompatible with the new tools being implemented, can lead to unforseen technical issues. These challenges, often underestimated during tender processes, can result in unexpected costs, both budgetary and technical, , as well as have a significant impact on the operational deployment schedule and on the adoption by AIM teams.

Furthermore, some data are in inappropriate formats, such as AUTOCAD plans, which were designed for building management rather than meeting the specific requirements of aeronautical information. Converting these into formats compatible with the AIM system is a complex, costly, and time-consuming process, delaying the implementation of the new system.

For Blaise Diagne International Airport in Dakar, we implemented a comprehensive and tailored Airport Management Database (AMDB). This custom solution proved to be not only quicker to deploy but also much less costly than converting multiple pre-existing data formats.
The AMDB thus enables simplified management and continuous data editing without relying on external service providers, significantly reducing long-term maintenance and operational costs.

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View of ASECNA eTOD Datasets on Data4Flight


2D View of ASECNA eTOD Datasets

Another important challenge is managing work peaks. Teams responsible for the transition are often also tasked with daily operations. This dual workload can disrupt routine activities, extend timelines, and reduce efficiency if the transition is not properly planned and supported. Without adequate support, managing both the migration and ongoing operations simultaneously can lead to work overloads and negatively impact business continuity.

Tailored Solutions for an Effective Digital Migration

In response to the challenges encountered during migration to modern AIM systems, CGX offers an approach centered on comprehensive support, ensuring a controlled transition at every stage. Our expertise is based on a customized methodology that considers the diversity of formats and the specific needs of each organization, ensuring a smooth migration tailored to the realities of our clients.

Personalized Support and Adaptability

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Similarly, for the migration of databases containing static information (runway coordinates, obstacles, routes, etc.) to the AIXM 5.1 standard, our approach remains flexible and customized. We understand that each organization has distinct needs in terms of data management, and our teams are experts in processing and adapting this information, regardless of its original formats.

The support we offer goes beyond the technical integration of tools or data. We provide ongoing follow-up throughout the process, from migration planning to delivering a complete, ready-to-use database. This method allows us to reduce integration timelines and minimize disruptions to the daily operations of organizations, ensuring a smooth and effective migration.

Specialized Tools to Facilitate Migration

CGX AERO uses innovative tools specifically designed to manage the complex challenges of aeronautical data migration. These tools ensure not only compliance with modern aeronautical standards but also the security and integrity of the data throughout the entire transition process:

  • AIM4Flight®: This web platform allows the conversion of data from non-standardized formats into the AIXM 5.1 format, ensuring compatibility with modern AIM systems. AIM4Flight® is essential for organizations whose aeronautical information is dispersed across various formats, often incompatible with current systems. Additionally, AIM4Flight® provides complete traceability of all conversion steps.

  • Data4Flight®: Specifically designed to manage and administer and AIXM 5.1 database (AMDB, eTOD, as well as modeling and coding of instrument flight procedures), this tool optimizes the management of complex data and ensures their integration into secure digital systems.

  • Airspace4Flight®: This tool enables the digitalization of airspaces and routes, ensuring accurate management that complies with international standards for safety and performance.

These solutions allow our clients to bypass the constraints of manual data conversion and adaptation to new formats. Our tools automate these processes while adhering to aeronautical norms and requirements, enabling a faster and more efficient transition.

For example, we used Data4Flight® to encode all instrument flight procedures in Romania. Thanks to this software, we were able to ensure precise modeling and seamless integration of the data into their AIM system, thus enhancing the safety and efficiency of aeronautical information management in the country.

Delivery of Ready-to-Use Databases

One of CGX AERO's distinctive strengths is our ability to deliver ready-to-use databases, ensuring a rapid and smooth adoption of the new AIM system. We prepare and structure the data in advance, ensuring its immediate integration into the system without organizations needing to worry about the technical details. This helps reduce implementation timelines and maintain operational continuity during the migration.

Additionally, we offer great flexibility in managing formats, including GIS systems and other formats specific to the needs of each client. Our experts are able to rework the data according to compatibility requirements with modern AIM systems, while ensuring the accuracy and integrity of the information.

Opening New Opportunities

Digital migration is not just about data transfer; it paves the way for significant opportunities for innovation and optimization:

  • Aeronautical Information Mapping: The availability of aeronautical data in a cartographic form enables optimized management and better visualization of information.

  • Automation of Obstacle Impact Studies: Automating obstacle study processes improves the speed and accuracy of assessments while significantly reducing the workload of teams.

  • Exchanges with Data Originators: Interactions with external stakeholders, such as surveyors, are facilitated, allowing for better data integration and enhanced collaboration beyond the aviation industry.

A concrete example is PAOLA, a solution that embodies this ability to fully leverage new technologies.

  • PAOLA is a digital platform that allows non-expert users to view the locations of aeronautical constraints and perform self-diagnoses. Each query processed by PAOLA replaces the manual work of an agent, thus providing significant time and cost savings, while improving operational efficiency.


Representation of PAOLA platform

The digital migration to modern AIM systems represents a crucial opportunity to enhance efficiency, compliance, and innovation within aviation organizations. To successfully navigate this transition, it is essential to thoroughly assess the direct and indirect costs of migration while considering the potential benefits in terms of operational efficiency and data integrity.

Adequate support is vital to minimize the impact of migration on ongoing operations. Change management, particularly through effective change leadership, is critical to ensure a smooth transition. AIXM 5.1 plays a key role in facilitating migrations through its standardization, which improves interoperability between different systems.

By adopting a proactive approach and relying on an experienced partner like CGX AERO, aeronautical information operators can not only successfully complete their digital migration but also leverage the opportunities it provides to optimize their operations and innovate in the management of aeronautical information.

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